Year 9 Music

In Year 9, students continue to build on music skills and knowledge across a range of performing, composing, aural and listening activities. They continue to develop aural skills and aural memory to identify, sing/play and notate rhythmic and melodic phrases based on familiar scale forms and familiar chord progressions in major and minor keys.

Students use composition models and techniques, applying stylistic features and conventions to compose works in a range of styles.

They listen to a variety of musical works, using scores and music terminology, to analyse and describe the use of the elements of music in structured activities. They examine similarities and differences between musical works and identify cultural, historical and stylistic features.

As soloists and ensemble members they practise and perform a range of music to develop technical skills and control, and expression. As performers and audience members they form opinions and preferences about music and the practices of others’, across a range of contexts, to inform their own music making.



A “C”  grade or better in Year 8 Arts and English.


Students undertaking Year 9 Music will have the opportunity to study further Music courses in Year 10, which can lead to possible Year 11 and 12 options in ATAR, General and Certificate courses. Students who excel at this course and are deemed to be suitable will also have the opportunity to move into the Instrumental Music Class in Year 10.