Bring Your Own Device (BYOD) Specifications

Please click here for the BYOD Policy

Please click here for the Connect Protocol

Please click here for a BYOD information letter for parents



Device/Operating System

Support Level

Windows 10/Windows 11

Supported and recommended






Supported (must have keyboard attachment)



Android Tablet

Not Supported


Not Supported

Linux Device

Not Supported

Mobile Phone

Not Supported and against policy to use on College grounds


All Year Levels

A device with a keyboard is compulsory.

It is recommended that this device be a Windows based laptop. iPads are also very suitable, but you must have a keyboard accessory for it and it must be capable of running the latest iOS.



Recommended Configuration


Operating System


Windows Laptop

Windows 10


Windows 11

·        RAM: 8GB minimum

·        Storage: 256GB or more

·        USB A or USB A adaptors

·        Battery Life: 6+ hours of use

·        A keyboard is required


Note on Smartphones/Mobiles

Smartphones and Mobiles are not considered a device when referring to the BYOD program. Students are not permitted to use Smartphones/Mobiles while on the College grounds.


Microsoft Office 365

The Department of Education provides free licences for Microsoft Office 365 to students. This software should be installed on the device the student intends to use. See the below links for instructions on how to install this on your device. If the student is brand new to a DoE school, their Connect and Office 365 account will not exist until approximately 3 days after their initial start date.

Windows 10/Windows 11









Note on Adobe Creative Cloud and Autodesk Products

Certain classes use the Adobe Creative Cloud (Photoshop, Premiere Pro, Lightroom) and Autodesk (Inventor, CAD) suites. For these classes, students will be located in computer labs with computers that have the required software already installed.

If you wish to purchase your own subscription to these products and install them on your BYOD, the above specifications are not necessarily suitable for these products. Their hardware requirements are listed at the below links:

Adobe Creative Cloud: https://helpx.adobe.com/au/creative-cloud/system-requirements.html

Autodesk: https://knowledge.autodesk.com/support/inventor/troubleshooting/caas/sfdcarticles/sfdcarticles/System-requirements-for-Autodesk-Inventor-2023.html

Please note that Baldivis Secondary College does not provide a licence for students to use these programs on their BYOD. Having these programs installed on your BYOD is optional and Baldivis Secondary College does not provide assistance or support with configuring these programs on your BYOD.


Purchasing a Device

Devices can be purchased through any supplier of your choice. However, JB Hifi has configured a school portal that shows a curated list of devices available for purchase that may assist you when deciding.

Link: www.jbeducation.com.au/byod

School Code: BaldivisSC2024


College insurance will not cover personally owned devices. It is recommended that purchasers consider their options in regards to insuring the device.