Year 9 Visual Art: 2D (Painting & Drawing)

In Year 9, students use visual art language and artistic conventions of greater complexity during their design and production process. They document their ideas applying understanding of compositional structure to create a unique personal response, while representing either a theme/concept or subject matter. Students experience, adapt and manipulate materials, techniques, art styles/processes when producing 2D and/or 3D artwork which communicate artistic intention. Resolved artwork are displayed and appraised, with consideration to personal expression and audience. Students extend their knowledge and use of safe visual arts practice.

Students experience a growing awareness of how and why artists, craftspeople and/or designers are influenced by other artists, their environment and the contexts of culture, time and place. They continue to apply knowledge of techniques used by other artists in the production of their own work.

Students are required to critically analyse traditional and contemporary artwork using various analysis frameworks, incorporating appropriate visual art language, art terminology and conventions.

Art styles:  Ancient art, Modernism (Impressionism, Expressionism, Cubism, Art Nouveau, Art Deco, Op Art, Pop Art), Australian art, contemporary craftspeople, designers and photographers, urban art.



A “C”  grade or better in Year 8 Arts and English.



Students studying Year 9 Fine Arts may select further Fine Arts courses in Year 10, leading to ATAR pathway Visual Art Courses in Senior School.