P&C Association

Parents & Citizens Associations are established under the Education Act for the purpose of supporting a strong government school system for the benefit of all the students. The Baldivis Secondary College P&C officially began on 3 July 2013.

All parents and community members are invited to be involved.

The Western Australian Council of State School Organisations Inc. (WACSSO) is the peak body representing parents of public school children in Western Australia. We provide services and representation at State and National level to approximately 680 Parents and Citizens Associations (P&Cs) in Western Australia. WACSSO influences the direction of public education for the benefit of students.


Forms and Information:



Meetings are held on Tuesdays from 6:00pm till 7:00pm in the College Administration Board Room.

2024 meeting dates:

  • 27 February 2024, 6pm  – What does Student Services do?
  • 19 March 2024, 11am – How do I get extra support for my child? 
  • 23 April 2024, 6pm – AGM
  • 11 June 2024, 11am – What pathways are available for my child?
  • 23 July 2024, 6pm – Good standing and why it is important
  • 10 September 2024, 11am – Helping students stay safe online
  • 15 October 2024, 6pm – Supporting your child’s mental health
  • 26 November 2024, 6pm – End of year celebration


Contact the P&C:

You can contact the Baldivis Secondary College P&C President by email;


Why Join the P&C?

A parents perspective

Well joining the P&C can have a number of good points and like everything, you get out what you put in.

Joining the P&C Association is a great way to keep informed, to contribute to the quality education of your children and to make new friends. Your contribution can be as large or small as you can manage, but your ongoing support of the P&C Association is invaluable.

Not only will you be supporting the College community but you will be supported by the College community. You can learn new skills, and gain a clear understanding of how the school operates. This is a great opportunity to share in the College’s decision-making process and shape the future.
One of the main reasons I joined was because my parents were always active in my school events and so in my mind it seemed like the thing to do. I guess I hope my children will also grow to chip into community events, because they saw me do it.

But it has also been shown in research that when parents demonstrate to their children they value school, their kids tend to do better both academically and socially. There are lots of ways of supporting our kids at College, starting with just showing an interest in their day, meeting their teachers, to attending assembly items, helping out at College events and being part of the P&C.

I also like the feeling that I am actively helping my children’s education by helping with the fundraising that provides those ‘extra’ College items the College is not always funded to purchase. I quite like organising things and helping out – it is nice to have that sense of community which makes you feel safe and connected. This is my way of doing what they talk about in the recent ACT, Belong, Commit campaign. However, people participate at whatever level they can manage. Some people work full time and some work at home and so everyone does what they are comfortable with. No matter what your ‘profession’ it is always great to learn what people can do, their hobbies and skills.

I find the P&C helpful for finding out information about what is going on at the school. I work part time, I don’t hang around before and after College, it’s just a drop off. It is easy to get out of the loop when you don’t see other parents regularly – being in the P&C helps me have some idea of what is going on, and gives me opportunities to meet other parents and teachers.

So that is what I get out of it – obviously it is different for other people. I can understand why some might be reluctant to join, sometimes there are some downsides. There are rules and regulations about how we have to run the meetings. Ultimately, these procedures exist to ensure we don’t have any crazy megalomaniacs using the P&C to take over the school, and spend all the hard earned money on statues of themselves, or drive particular points of view that don’t reflect the College and parents. 

I know everyone’s final goal is doing something for the College and our kids, and that is a uniting force.

So maybe you’re thinking “perhaps” I’ll give it a go.

How can we make it easier for you?

  • Well, if you are actually thinking of attending a meeting, why not bring a friend – it is always easier to have some support in a new environment.
  • You are also welcome to email or contact any of the P&C committee members and just have a chat before hand, we really do like it when people show an interest and will make an effort to help you blend in.
  • If you know you don’t have time for meetings, but like the idea of helping out, you can join a particular committee as a volunteer (ie. fundraising, canteen).
  • Or you can add your name on the volunteer list where we email people when events come up and we need help or ideas.

The work you do is appreciated, needed and fundamental to the development of a successful College community.
Enjoy every step of your P&C journey and take the time to celebrate your successes.
Value everyone’s contribution!
Say “No” if you need to!
Meet new people and have some fun!

The P&C Sausage Sizzle  raised funds to directly support our students!